Changes in the ASToFra tools in the last 90 days

MR [ 432 ] - 2024-09-03 19:33:24.183000
Resolve "TFE adding duplicate sample image gives errors"
Prevent that duplicate test images can be added in the texture filter editor. Also sort the images by name in the list automatically. Closes #6684
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, editor, scenProc

MR [ 431 ] - 2024-08-31 07:00:15.798000
Resolve "MSFS minimum texture size"
Added warning in the event log when a MSFS texture is not at least 8x8 pixels in size and ensured that the function to resize textures to a multiple of four uses a minimum size of 8x8 pixels. Closes #6683
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request

MR [ 430 ] - 2024-08-31 06:38:14.179000
Resolve "TFE additional points only shown after switching texture"
Fixed bug that preview image in the TFE was not updated automatically after training machine learning steps in the editor. Closes #6680
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, editor, scenProc

MR [ 429 ] - 2024-08-27 20:05:38.434000
Resolve "OpenCV: K >= N"
Fixed error "OpenCV: K >= N" in the KMeans step of the texture filter. When the image has less pixels than the number of requested clusters, the number of clusters is automatically reduced. Closes #6682
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, editor, scenProc

MR [ 428 ] - 2024-08-26 20:09:16.706000
Added missing dependencies for error reporting
Fixed issue that error reporting from tool was not working due to some missing dependencies.
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, scenProc

MR [ 425 ] - 2024-08-25 19:41:33.545000
Resolve "Flat roof domers"
Added functionality to create flat roofed dormers. Closes #6195
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 424 ] - 2024-08-23 20:27:37.114000
Draft: "Resolve flat roof dormers"
TODO Closes #6195
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 423 ] - 2024-08-23 20:27:36.739000
Resolve "Chimney"
Added feature to create chimneys on buildings. Closes #6194
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 422 ] - 2024-08-18 07:23:45.439000
Allow different heights and roof types in buildings
Allow different heights and roof types to be selected for different polygons in a building. Closes #6191 Closes #6192
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 421 ] - 2024-08-17 07:57:52.788000
Machine learning training data
When changing attributes or adding sample points for machine learning steps in the texture filter the training data is not directly clears, this makes it easier to test a certain set of training data on multiple sample images and tune with extra points. Also updated the manual
Affected tools/features: editor, scenProc

MR [ 420 ] - 2024-08-14 06:54:58.218000
Resolve "Batch operator step to replace attached effects"
Added a batch operator that allows effects files and their parameters to be replaced on an object. Closes #6677
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, editor

MR [ 419 ] - 2024-08-16 20:09:58.920000
Allow ML training with raster input
Added option to train machine learning texture filter steps with raster data instead of sample points. Also added a new machine learning step Artificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer Perceptrons.
Affected tools/features: Severity::feature-request, editor, scenProc

MR [ 418 ] - 2024-07-02 14:05:03.673000
Resolve "Error searching for texture"
Made texture searcher more robust when MSFS path FSX path are similar. Closes #6673
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, visualisation

MR [ 415 ] - 2024-06-18 19:36:21.525000
Resolve "Normal texture flipped"
Fixed issue that MSFS DDS normal maps were flipped, the texture loader did not set the source format correctly and therefore they were not flipped as required on load. Closes #6667
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 414 ] - 2024-06-16 08:13:23.652000
Resolve "Import tiles downloaded by SBuilderX"
Added ImportSBuilder step that can read raster data from SBuilder saved images with a TXT geo-referencing file. Closes #4989
Affected tools/features: Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 413 ] - 2024-06-16 07:09:53.158000
Resolve "Crash in TF mean step"
Made Mean texture filter step robust for values outside of byte range. Closes #6666
Affected tools/features: Severity::crash, scenProc

MR [ 412 ] - 2024-06-12 20:14:47.370000
Reading X file material names
Ignore auto generated material names when reading X file, so that the automatically generated names show in that case.
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader