Changes in the ASToFra tools in the last 90 days

MR [ 414 ] - 2024-06-16 08:13:23.652000
Resolve "Import tiles downloaded by SBuilderX"
Added ImportSBuilder step that can read raster data from SBuilder saved images with a TXT geo-referencing file. Closes #4989
Affected tools/features: Severity::feature-request, scenProc

MR [ 413 ] - 2024-06-16 07:09:53.158000
Resolve "Crash in TF mean step"
Made Mean texture filter step robust for values outside of byte range. Closes #6666
Affected tools/features: Severity::crash, scenProc

MR [ 412 ] - 2024-06-12 20:14:47.370000
Reading X file material names
Ignore auto generated material names when reading X file, so that the automatically generated names show in that case.
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 411 ] - 2024-06-03 20:24:08.649000
Resolve "Rudder rotates around wrong axis"
Undid rudder animation axis change in animation_mapping.ini file as it gives issues with certain models. Closes #6567
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 409 ] - 2024-06-02 06:49:17.315000
Resolve "Show object orientation on map"
In the object placement editor show objects with an accurate footprint instead of only with their bounding box. Closes #1824
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request

MR [ 408 ] - 2024-06-01 11:49:43.264000
Resolve "System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1."
When invalid BT2 file is provided to the Create3DBuilding step an error is put in the event log, instead of crashing scenProc. Closes #6665
Affected tools/features: Severity::crash, scenProc

MR [ 407 ] - 2024-06-01 11:09:34.555000
Fixed issue with error reporting from tools

MR [ 406 ] - 2024-06-01 07:37:46.822000
Resolve "FS2004 building export"
Allow setting the MakeMDL path in scenProc so that 3D buildings can be exported to FS2004 as well. Closes #6664
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, UI, scenProc

MR [ 405 ] - 2024-06-02 05:17:51.661000
Resolve "NoAutogenSuppresion in batch wizard"
In the batch wizard allow the additional flags like NoAutogenSuppression to be set when creating a placement. Also added a new batch operator to update these flags on existing placements. Closes #2433
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request

MR [ 404 ] - 2024-05-29 05:34:18.411000
Resolve "Clone material for entire LOD"
In the hierarchy editor when selecitng a material with the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed a clone of that material is assigned to all parts in the LOD that have the same material. Closes #6663
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, editor

MR [ 403 ] - 2024-05-27 04:56:27.426000
Resolve "Batch convert edit vertices"
Added batch operators to remove vertex colors and UV2 coordinates from object. Closes #6661
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, editor

MR [ 402 ] - 2024-05-26 19:19:07.575000
Removed code smells

MR [ 401 ] - 2024-05-26 05:29:25.817000
Resolve "The length of the byte array for the GUID must be exactly 16 bytes"
Made reading of CFS2 models more robust, the logic to detect the VarDict section was not robust enough. Closes #6575
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 400 ] - 2024-05-26 03:57:38.255000
Resolve "P3D export object with mixed single/double UV"
The XtoMDL error about vertices with mixed single and double UV can not be fixed. But the hierarchy editor now has the option to remove the UV2 which can work around this issue. Closes #6476
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, writer

MR [ 399 ] - 2024-05-24 22:55:56.551000
Resolve "ProcessElevation output and DetectFeatures"
Allow 1 band input in the DetectFeature step as well. Closes #6660
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, scenProc

MR [ 398 ] - 2024-05-25 07:02:43.623000
Resolve "Model does not import correctly"
Improved BGL decoder as for some models not all data was read from the MDL/BGL file. Closes #6510
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 397 ] - 2024-05-20 08:56:26.347000
Resolve "Persistent fine control"
Allow the fine control in the 3D preview to remain on to make it easier to view details of models. Before the F button had to be kept pressed, now it toggles this mode. Also added a button to the preview toolbar to toggle this mode. Closes #6439
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, UI

MR [ 396 ] - 2024-05-20 06:09:00.758000
BGLDebugger FS2002 models
BGLDebugger tool can read FS2002 MDL files as well now.

MR [ 395 ] - 2024-05-19 07:36:21.903000
Resolve "Canopy opaque"
Fixed issue with glass materials read from FS2004 aircraft models are opaque when alpha channel is used for reflection. FS2004 can use the diffuse alpha for transparency, on conversion this is now converted to final alpha settings for the material. Closes #6463
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 394 ] - 2024-05-18 19:09:44.458000
Error reporting
Fixed the error reporting from inside the tools, as this was broken. Exceptions encountered while processing data can automatically be uploaded to my bug tracking system.
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, scenProc

MR [ 393 ] - 2024-05-16 18:34:14.394000
Updated documentation
Updated documentation that was missing in last merge request.
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 392 ] - 2024-05-16 05:17:47.616000
Resolve "Rudder rotates around wrong axis"
Fixed issue that FS2004 trimtab_rudder animation was read along wrong axis, which could affect the display of the rudder. Closes #6567
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 391 ] - 2024-05-12 06:26:21.654000
Resolve "glTF Node="ModelPart""
Fixed issue that MSFS model XML was written with nodes names of ModelPart. Also made sure duplicate entries are not written anymore. Closes #6658
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, writer

MR [ 390 ] - 2024-05-11 06:49:48.282000
Removed code smells

MR [ 389 ] - 2024-05-10 20:56:07.534000
Resolve "Animation code with length 5 not expected"
Allow animation code definitions with 5 elements to be read from MDL file as well (not sure what all elements are, some are ignored). Closes #6653
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 388 ] - 2024-05-10 20:44:11.430000
Resolve: Issues converting FS2004 aircraft to FSX
Fixed issue that merging two animations of the same type resulted in corrupt FSX MDL file and therefore animations not working correctly. Fixed issue with control surface animations snapping to zero at the end. Closes #6447 Closes #6481 Closes #6487
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 387 ] - 2024-05-09 05:42:19.154000
Resolve "The given key was not present in the dictionary."
Made SCASM reader more robust for line with missing vertices. Closes #6655
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash

MR [ 386 ] - 2024-05-07 08:24:51.457000
Resolved: Samples errors
Fixed a number of examples in the ASToFra developer samples.
Affected tools/features: Samples, Severity::crash

MR [ 385 ] - 2024-05-05 08:35:34.319000
Resolve "Batch converter issues"
Fixed bug that save log option in Batch Convert Wizard did not work. When exporting objects from sceneries with only one item use the filename instead of the object name. Closes #6650
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug

MR [ 384 ] - 2024-05-05 07:46:15.177000
Resolve "Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference"
Made glTF reader more robust for invalid part data. Closes #6651
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 383 ] - 2024-05-05 08:25:07.937000
Resolve "Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto."
Fixed bug in SCASM condition analyser that could result in crash. Closes #6634
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 382 ] - 2024-05-05 06:45:20.609000
Resolve "The system cannot find the file specified"
Added extra checks at startup to see if ModelConverterX installation is complete. Closes #6633
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash

MR [ 381 ] - 2024-05-05 05:47:56.362000
Updated docs based on reinstall of build server

MR [ 380 ] - 2024-04-20 13:19:50.925000
Resolve "Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference"
Made glTF reader more robust for mesh with attributes. Closes #6630
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX

MR [ 379 ] - 2024-04-19 17:25:17.813000
Resolve: "CreateTVecWaterPoly filter warning with NONE"
Fix warning when using NONE for raster/line features in CreateTVecWaterPoly step when mode is ATTR_VALUE.
Affected tools/features: Severity::bug, scenProc

MR [ 378 ] - 2024-04-13 06:20:38.523000
Resolve "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object[]' to type 'System.IConvertible'."
Made glTF reader more robust for invalid input for indices (in that case part is ignored). Closes #6601
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 377 ] - 2024-04-13 05:55:21.981000
Resolve "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.\Parameter name: index"
Fixed crash when trying to export a scenery without models as ground polygon BGL. Closes #6597
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash

MR [ 376 ] - 2024-04-12 21:27:20.823000
Resolve "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
Fixed issue when reading Wavefront OBJ file where first part has no material set. Closes #6603
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 375 ] - 2024-04-09 20:23:21.584000
Resolve: "BGL stats reader and MSFS"
Update BGL and MDL stats readers to support MSFS files as well. Only name and guid are read from those. Closes #6618
Affected tools/features: Samples, Severity::bug

MR [ 374 ] - 2024-04-07 06:57:10.811000
Resolve: "Pilot missing"
Improved detection of alpha settings when loading FS2004 models by checking the alpha channel for the segment of the texture that is mapped. This helps to reduce drawing order issues when converting from FS2004 to FSX. Closes #6445
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader

MR [ 373 ] - 2024-04-05 21:26:02.670000
Resolve "glTF node naming"
Modified naming of nodes for visibility conditions and mouse rectahgles to make it easier to assign the correct behaviour in the XML file. Closes #6584
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, writer

MR [ 372 ] - 2024-04-01 20:41:42.469000
Resolve: "No shadow"
Use source/destination blend when setting diffuse alpha value (for drawing order) to prevent issues of shadow disappearing. Closes #6480
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, writer

MR [ 371 ] - 2024-04-01 07:07:29.060000
Resolve: "Glass no longer reflecting in preview"
Make sure that correct environment map is loaded when loading a model from FS2004. Closes #6579
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, visualisation

MR [ 370 ] - 2024-03-31 08:53:32.157000
Resolve "Issues converting FSX aircraft to FS2004"
Fixed issue that animations could be dropped due to a bug in the function that checks if they are empty animations. Closes #6581 Made sure does not contain AND or OR since that does not work in sim. Replace them by && and ||. Closes #6502
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, writer

MR [ 369 ] - 2024-03-31 08:11:11.267000
Resolve "glTF node naming"
Reflect visibility condition and mouse rectangle names in the glTF node names as well. Closes #6584
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, writer

MR [ 368 ] - 2024-03-30 09:48:09.646000
Resolve: "Propellor rotates around wrong axis"
Fixed issue that attached lights could be lost on import because visibility condition was not checked. Fixed offset issue in animation added for part with automatic visibility condition when the part was under an animated parent. Made some optimizations to FS2004 X file export as well. Closes #6478 Closes #6574
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, writer

MR [ 367 ] - 2024-03-30 07:03:28.884000
Resolve "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
Fixed index out of bounds issue in Wavefront OBJ reading when model contained parts with only lines. Closes #6577
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 366 ] - 2024-03-30 06:36:03.982000
Resolve "P3D v6.1 PBR flags"
Update ModelConverterX to support the additional material attributes for P3D v6 PBR materials. This includes the emissive color, precipitation propertiies and texture. Also vertex colors are now supported for P3D v6 MDL files. Closes #6405
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::feature-request, reader, writer

MR [ 365 ] - 2024-03-24 06:46:25.513000
Resolve: "Propoellor rotates around wrong axis"
Added animation for parts that only have a visibility condition that matches an automatic animation name, else they might rotate around the wrong axis. Closes #6478
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Resolution::not a bug, writer

MR [ 364 ] - 2024-03-23 17:41:27.550000
Added event log output to ProcessElevationRaster step

Affected tools/features: editor, scenProc

MR [ 363 ] - 2024-03-23 07:04:10.847000
Resolve "Exception when loading model with hierarchy editor"
Fixed crash in hierarchy editor on mouse move when new model is loading Closes #6551
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, editor

MR [ 362 ] - 2024-03-22 23:43:50.643000
Resolve "Cannot convert null to 'int' because it is a non-nullable value type"
Made glTF reader more robust for invalid texture index definitions. Closes #6546
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 361 ] - 2024-03-22 23:17:22.674000
Resolve "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Fixed crash when trying to export an object without representations present Closes #6569
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, writer

MR [ 360 ] - 2024-03-22 22:37:14.033000
Resolve "Index out of range"
Fixed bug that invalid geometry was added when reading parts from Wavefront OBJ when material could not be found. Closes #6571
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::crash, reader

MR [ 359 ] - 2024-03-22 21:56:54.510000
Resolve: Unexpected image type exception
Replace exception on from image type in DetectFeatures step by warning in event log and skip the image in that case. Closes #6573
Affected tools/features: Severity::crash, scenProc

MR [ 358 ] - 2024-03-22 20:14:08.153000
Resolve: glTF night material setting lost on export-import
Fixed issue with reading DayNightSwitch attribute from MSFS material, the value was always read as true. Closes #6568
Affected tools/features: ModelConverterX, Severity::bug, reader, writer