Most of you have probably already seen this, but MS has released an update to the FsX SDK. You can get it from the FsInsider download page. Probably the most important component of this update is the GMax gamepack for FsX, this allows us to make models from GMax in the new MDL format. One […]
Lazy LOD
As I already mentioned in my previous post I have been working hard on a scenery of Schiphol airport recently. As this is quite a big airport and we tried to make it detailed as well, we ended up with a lot of objects. Unfortunately this did not improve the performance a lot. In the […]
I can’t see more gates anymore
Finally I have the time again to make a more serious blog post here. You might be wondering what I have been up to lately? It has been mainly the [NL2000] scenery project that kept me busy. We are currently finishing the beta version of our next release and for the scenery of Schiphol airport […]