ModelConverterX manual

Updating the manual is usually not my favourite part of making tools, so sometimes that seems to lag a bit behind the release of new tool versions. But I just found the time to update the ModelConverterX manual on the Wiki. I have mainly updated the part about the capabilities of the different readers and […]

A mention of the CAT

At the beginning of this week a colleague entered my office and told me that I had been mentioned in an article he read. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. It appeared he had been reading the latest issue of PC Pilot and in their article about the realism […]

ESP at DevDays

Tomorrow and on Friday I will be giving a presentation at the Dutch Microsoft DevDays titled “Flight SimulatorSecrets Exposed: The Microsoft ESP Visual Simulation Platform”. I must admit the titles comes from a presentation by Todd Landstad of the ACES team that I luckily could make use of when preparing. Originally it was planned that […]

Sign of life

From today my internet is working again on the new address. I am still in the process of unpacking and installing things, but it seems things are getting back on track now. I think in a few days I should have enough time again to take a look at the forums and start responding to […]