Happy 20th anniversary

Today SceneryDesign.org is 20 years old. On 17 August 2003 I started this website as a new community for Flight Simulator scenery designers. I did this because there was a scenery design forum at AvSim.com at the time, but I thought a dedicated community where developers could share experiences would be useful as well. After […]

64-bit only development releases

With the release of the new stable releases ModelConverterX 1.6 and scenProc 3.1, the development releases have also been updated. The ModelConverterX development release is now version 1.7 and the scenProc development release is now 3.2. In these new development releases there is a big change directly, they only support 64-bit now. This means you […]

ModelConverterX 1.6 stable release

I have just released a new stable release of ModelConverterX based on the current development release. This means that all changes made since the ModelConverterX 1.5 stable release are now part of the stable release as well. The main differences between ModelConverterX 1.5 and 1.6 are: You can find the download information for the new […]

scenProc 3.1 stable release

I have just released a new stable release of scenProc based on the current development release. This means that all changes made since the scenProc 3.0 stable release are now part of the stable release as well. The main differences between scenProc 3.0 and 3.1 are: You can find the download information for the new […]