Processing scenProc scripts in batch

The scenProcBatchRunner tool has been expanded in the latest development release of scenProc. With this tool you can run your scenProc scripts in a batch file, passing different variables to each run of the same script. By using multiple scenProcWorkers you can also speed up the processing of your scripts. And the new Workflow Feeder […]

scenProc improvements

The latest development release of scenProc contains a number of interesting improvements. I have another interesting feature in development. I am currently experimenting with using machine learning in the feature detection process. Hopefully that will make the results even better and hopefully also easier to adapt a script for different input images. But as I […]

Error report file upload error

From within ModelConverterX and scenProc you can upload an error report directly to my bug tracker. There is an option to include the file that caused the crash as well. Recently I noticed that most users did not try to upload the file anymore, which makes debugging harder. Today I found out the problem was […]

Exporting to MSFS

The latest development release of scenProc does adds initial support for MSFS. Since the release of MSFS I have been waiting to update scenProc as it was not clear to me what purpose the tool would still have. For example the new autogen format is still largely unsupported by the SDK tools, so making autogen […]

scenProc 3.0 stable release

The new stable release of scenProc is out. Version 3.0 replaces version 2.0 as the stable release. Compared to version 2.0 many changes and bug fixes have been made. Some of the highlights of these changes are: Many performance improvements resulting in less memory usage and quicker processing of your scenProc script. A new and […]

Upcoming stable releases

I will be releasing a new stable version of ModelConverterX and scenProc in the next few weeks.The reason behind these new releases is twofold. On one hand over the last months there have been many improvements to the tools, mainly in the area of performance. So it is worthwhile to have those improvements in the […]

Configuration files

For many years I have been using the standard .NET settings files to store the configuration options in my tools. But this week I learned that the way I was using them was not really the most efficient way. This resulted in performance and stability issues. So therefore in the current development release I have […]