Imagine you have some vector data of gas stations and you want to use that to place autogen library objects. But your vector data only contains the location of the gas stations and no information about the heading at all. How to place these objects realistically in your scenery? I have added a new step […]
Autogen object distortion
Sometimes a very simple question on the forum can lead to interesting discoveries. In this case the question was why autogen buildings that look fine in Annotator are distorted in FS. Although the answer from an expert was that this is normal, I decided to have a look into this issue. In the end that […]
Full of new inspiration
I have returned from my vacation yesterday. As usual I don’t bring a computer on vacation, so I haven’t done anything on FSDeveloper or my tools in the last 3 weeks. But of course that doesn’t stop my brain from coming up with new ideas. Luckily I had brought a notebook (you know, a paper […]
Replace building by rectangles updated
I have finished updating the algorithm of scenProc to replace building polygons by multiple rectangles. From the tests I have done for the Nantucket area I am quite pleased with the results. I just spend most of tonight to type in the manual how the algorithm works, so I’m not going to repeat that here […]
Subtracting features
One of the issues with creating autogen is that vegetation polygons might suppress buildings. When the vegetation overlaps the building the building will not be shown. This can be a bit annoying, since you would like the building to suppress the vegetation normally. To work around this problem I have added a new step to […]
Which texture on my autogen building?
The autogen SDK shows us how the texture sheet that is used for generic autogen buildings is structured. There are parts for houses, medium/large building and warehouses. See the images below that comes from the SDK. But the SDK doesn’t tell us which type of building get’s which part of the texture sheet. On obvious […]
Autogen statistics
After all the recent experimentation with running scenProc in batch mode I was curious how many autogen objects I had created in the end. So I made a little tool that will count the objects in a folder full of AGN files. This tool I called agnstats and will come with the next agntools development […]
Vegetation detection tutorial
Here is the video tutorial I promised about the new scenProc feature to detect vegetation. In this tutorial I show how this new feature works and I also try to explain some of the theory behind it. I’ll try to add some information about this feature to the manual soon as well, as I know […]
Detect vegetation from imagery
In the last months I often wrote about my progress of adding a feature to scenProc to detect features from imagery. My main purpose was to detect vegetation. I have now finished this feature and put it in the scenProc development release. Be aware that adding this feature meant I had to add the GDAL […]
scenProc and tiny autogen buildings
A while ago I already wrote about the dangers of tiny buildings in autogen. The problem with those tiny buildings is that they will prevent other autogen from showing correctly in Annotator as well. Since some users reported such trouble recently, I have decided to automatically filter out buildings that are smaller than 1 meter […]