Where does the light come from?

A while ago I changed the way the lighting works in the ModelConverterX preview. Before the light would always come from the view point, while now there is a separate light location. The downside of this change is that you now can see that some sides of the model are always darker. I have been thinking about […]

Flattens from 3D objects

Last week I got approached by different developers with suggestions for ModelConverterX to create flattens. So given multiple questions about the same subject I was trigged to look into this issue. Since I mainly create scenery for the Netherlands I have never had trouble with flattens myself. I think in the Netherlands you would even […]

Import AGN files

Until now the scenProc tool could only be used to create AGN files. But when you want to enhance or view existing AGN files it is also useful to be able to import them again. That feature has been added to the development release versio now. To illustrate how it works I will explain two […]

Choosing shaders

A new option has been added to ModelConverterX, with this option you can force the preview to use simple shaders. This option has been added because certain graphics cards have performance issues with the more complex shaders that are used by default. By setting the ForceSimpleShader to true the preview is forced to use the […]

Improvements for aircraft models

In the next ModelConverterX development release there are two big changes that are mainly important for aircraft modellers: When a custom animation is used in the FSX MDL file that is not defined in the modeldef.xml file that you pointed ModelConverterX to it will no longer be ignored. Instead ModelConverterX will read the animation parameters […]

Moving around in the preview

To move around in the ModelConverterX object preview you would use your mouse. With the left button you can rotate the object, with the right button you can pan the object. And with the mouse wheel you can zoom. And to control how much zoom and pan you give there are two options: PanScale and […]

Recent changes

In the last three weeks I have been a bit busy, so I haven’t posted about the changes I made to my tools recently. Here is a quick overview of the most important changes: There was a memory leak in scenProc when using the SplitGrid step, this has been fixed. But if you still have […]